Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tabu plans

I am beginning to build the tabu sailboat (hollow aquadynamic rudder in progress) and would like to buy a set of full size plans with comprehensive build instructions. These used to be avilable at Boat Builder but they ceased publication recently. Anybody know of a source?


  1. Sorry David, Svenson's is the only place I can locate with info on Tabu .  I kindof did a search (as I am sure you did) but nothing really came up...  I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything...   Andy

  2. A CD is available on eBay from, "greatvintageplans"

  3. try for free plans you can download in a .jpg format and print.....

  4. Thank you SnappiestFotoboy.  The CD on eBay contains the same info as is available on svensons and they are the plans that I have. Those plans are quite small and have quite a few errors in dimensions. I was hoping to find a set of full size build plans that used to be available from a publication that no longer exists. Thanks for your effort!  I continue to grind my way through the plans that I have and am having a lot of fun in the process. So far I have all the structural forms built and am starting on the mast. This should be a real hot-rod of a boat!  David
