Sunday, March 16, 2008

Forward rowing

Does anyone know of plans I might obtain to build a forward rowing aparatus? In the movie U.S.Marshalls, Wesley Snipes' character steals a boat (it looked like a pirogue) with oars that have what I would call elbows for lack of a better description. As he drew back on the oars' handles, the blades would pull back. I saw a similar device sold on the web but it was a bit pricey. I'd like to try my hand at building one if anyone knows of plans anywhere.



  1. CF - sounds interesting.  I don't recall ever seeing anything like that.  You could try renting the DVD, freeze-frame it, and try to copy the apparatus...

  2. here is an avi. file from the website There are several photos and other video clips in the site. Their product is a fine one, but my little swamp girl didn't cost that much to build.
    I would rather build a clone if I could find the plans.


  3. OOps, I guess the file was too large. anyway, paste the addy into your browser window and check out the site.


  4. Pretty cool, but pricy, If I did a lotta rowing I'f finda a way to make something that worked or spend the bucks, I never did like seeing where I been....whole lot better seeing where you are going.    

  5. CF, I'm kind of old school when it comes to rowing so I'm not up on all the forward facing gagets out there, however there do seem to be some interesting ones. Wooden Boat magazine has a new section for people to post vidio of their boats in action. There is a pretty good vidio of a tandom forward facing rowing setup. Check it out. The link is      Winks    
