Monday, April 10, 2006

Help with the LAW

I have had my 42' 1950 DCFB in my back yard for 6 years. I was told my the Borough (city) that there no laws keeping me from having the boat there while I worked on it.
Yesterday I got a letter from the Borough ordering the boat out by May 31, 2006. I can't move it now all the planks are off one side.
Is there a lawyer out there who wants to help me fight this. I live in Parkesburg, PA 45 miles west of philadelphia? I need help fast!!!

George Dvorak
538 W Second Ave
Parkesburg, PA 19365
610-745-3282 call any time


  1. George, I am not a lawyer but I  say that you have my full sympathy!   I would try to write down or consolidate any documentation you have as to who you originally spoke with in your borough.  Name, Date, Time, etc.  Also go to your local records center and re-check the "city" statutes to see if anything in there says anything about being in violation of local ordinances.  I would also check with the local police and mayor's office to see if someone has filed a complaint against you regarding the boat, i.e., excessive noise violations, "pollution" from sawdust, paint odors, etc.   Good luck to you,   Andy

  2. This message has been deleted by the author.
