Thursday, June 26, 2008

Flapjack launching

Well I just want to let you all know that the Flapjack was launched on June 20, at about 9:30 A.M. Pacific time (last day of Spring or first day of Summer, I’m not sure). The pictures that I posted do not show the detail I would like, but I want to share what I have. I still need to build the mast, sprit, and rudder, order the sail, and rig her, but she won’t sail until next spring. I promise that I will post better pictures (shot with a real digital camera) by then. I have to say that if she sails like she rows I picked a winning design. I am surprised that there has not been more written about this boat! Steve Redmond seems to have gotten it right and I would recommend this boat to anyone considering a 14’ rowing and sailing (although I can’t speak with authority on her sailing qualities yet) skiff. I rowed her about two and one half miles. She carries way well and is more stable that I thought she would be and tracks like she is on rails. With plans from Redmond and Thomas Hills book “Ultralight Boatbuilding”, she was a pleasure to build. This novice is thoroughly hooked. Until now I have only built one other boat, a kayak, but I will definitely build others. I would like to thank everyone who posts on this site for the inspiration (direct and indirect) I received throughout this project. I will continue to monitor this site and will look forward to offering what I can. I am proud to be a member of the boatbuilding community and can think of few activities that have been more fulfilling and enjoyable than “messing about in boats.”

Yours truly,


1 comment:

  1. Winks, you did a fantastic job!  Congratulations on getting her launched - she looks like a dandy...   I will be painting soon with any luck.  The 4th of July holiday is bogging down the schedule a little bit.  Delays are delays - what can you do but try to stay on track.  Let us know how the rigging work goes.  You've put a lot of work into the Flapjack and it shows.   Andy
