Friday, April 18, 2008

Hey Kruez!

Kruez, what have you been up to in your life, we haven't really heard much from you in several months.  I am sure I speak for all of us when I respectfully ask if everything is going well with you?
Are you  working on any projects right now?
Your friend, Andy


  1. Andy,   All is well, I have been a bit busy with work. I used to teach high school drafting but with the budget cuts, they expected me to work with twice as many kids per class on half a schedule and at half a salary. I did this for a year expecting to go back to a normal salary the following year however, the administrators were enjoying the extra budget money. I could not live on half a salary for another year. All the while, the administrators had increased there salaries and voted themselves a 100% paid health care plan paid by increasing the premiums of teachers and support staff. Oh, they are building an olympic size natatorium for the high school, hoping they can bring in midwest events and charge admision for a profit.  Ok, so I don't want to get my self started on that topic.   I am now working as a project architect with a small architectural firm here in Indianapolis. Keeps me pretty busy lately. They are good people so it's a joy to work with them.   I have some unfinished boat projects to complete as soon as
    I make the time and lean out the garage for the space to complete them.   Thanks to you and the lot for keeping this site inspirational.   -Kruez-    

  2. Glad you are doing well Kruez, although you seem pretty busy - as everyone keeps being "told" - keep in touch with what you are up to.  We are all nosy like a bunch of old women  lol

  3. Hi everyone, I been absence for awhile.. I couldn't log in.. Just now catching up on latest news on here

  4. Sure is....I started as boylesboats, lost my sign in password...
    Had to re-signup as bboat...
