Saturday, February 17, 2007

Whats Everyone Up To?

Kindof quiet around here -anyone got new or continuing projects they are working on?


  1. As a matter of fact Andy, I do have a few things going on. I have been a member for a while but this is the first time I have posted in this forum. I have a couple of projects planed, but I need to build a Bluegill for my son before I start on my boat (that will be an Oughtred design but I haven't decided which yet). I was wandering if anyone had any experiance useing Aquatech meranti marine plywood. I have seen it advertised in a few places but have talked with Allied Veneers who assure me it is suitable for small boat hulls. The price is right and it is adverised as meeting Brittish 1088 standards. It would be nice if I could hear from someone who has used this product befor I commited to it. I fnot, I guess I'll report to you all about my experiance with it.   Bob W.

  2. Sorry Bob, I have limited experience using marine plywood of any type.  My current project is my sailboat in which I am using regular 1/4" ACX plywood ( which has held up well for me considering that the raw hull took over 2 years to complete due to time constraints).   I am biding my time until spring really gets here.  Being in Northern Wisconsin, the days are starting to warm up with temps around 25 to 45 deg. above 0 Far. but the nights are still hovering down around 0 deg.  It takes a lot to heat up my work space and frankly I can't afford the extra $'s for heating, but another month and things should start looking quite rosy on the building schedule...   Right now I am working out the dimensions for a birdsmouth mast and boom at present and researching wood sources.  I am probably going to use Douglas fir because of its availability or I may try and obtain some White spruce from one of the local mills in the north central part of the state...   Take care and good luck on the Bluegill   Andy

  3. Hey R2winks, I have used Aquatek, which is what I think you were trying to spell.  If so, I used it last year to build a Devlin Scaup.  I have no problems so far.  I will say it' nasty if you get a slivers, every one I got, got infected, not bad but enough to notice it.  I got my from Lou and EdenSaw.  Nice people to deal with, fair price.  Now that being said, if you anywhere near the south side of Chicago, there is a company named  Plywood and Door, their number is (708) 354-2155.  They are located in Joliet, but the plywood is in a warehouse in Alsip.  I just bought 20 sheets of Oakumana BS 1088 at $72.00 a sheet.  The price of marine grade plywood is climbing quickly, I called near the end of January and it was $60 a sheet.   So to answer your question about what's going on, right now nothing, waiting for the snow to melt and warm up so I can covert my garage back into a boat building shed.  Oh, what am I building?  Another duck boat, something on the lines of a duck water boat.  Really like them, but cann't afford one, so I am going to build one, of sorts.  I have made two models so far, changed the lines a bit and working on a thrid to get it right before I start cutting plywood.   Later   Andrew

  4. Andrew, sorry about the spelling. I am a mental health clinician with a county crisis team and we keep some strange hours. Sometimes I don't check myself. Anyway, thanks for the feedback on the Aquatek. To bad I live so far from Chicago (Northern California). That is a good price for BS1088. No one around me has it and delivery costs are high. I can get marine douglas fir at a good price though. That is what I will probably use for the Bluegill. I will want someting better for an Oughtred boat though and I may give Aquatek a try. By the way, we don,t get the weather you do, but driving home tonight at midnight it was snowing. It will be a while before my shed is warm enough also.     Good luck Andrew,   Bob  

  5. Alright, I have started building the QWIII or as my wife refers to it as the Queen Mary of duck boats.  It's about 22 long (with pods) and is 8'6" wide.  The plywood weighted about 1,400 lbs plus about another 100 in epoxy, not going to be a little or light boat.   As of now, I have the hull wired together and opened up.  The pods are about 1/2 done and about half the bulkheads are in.  Wanted to finish the bulkhead this weekend, but have to go my parents and re-roof their house.  Loads of fun.   Building without plans is alot of fun, I spend awful lot of time sitting in the moaning chair, contemplating the design and next steps.  From models to full size didn't work out as well and I was hoping for, that and once I see it in full size, I have changed a few things.   Andrew
