Planning ahead a little, any one know of a source for good lighting fixtures for the interior of a boat. Almost all marine lighting fixtures are limited to a max. of 20 watts which hardly would be enough for a boat with large cabin spaces. It seems 75 to 100 watts is required for reading at least at home. Also, what is the best type of fluorescent fixtures that won't cause electrical noise.
CanalBoat: check out the 12v lighting systems using LED bulbs, extremely low wattage. Fawcett Boat Supplies www.fawcettboat.com has quite a bit of this type of lighting available along with conventional lighting. Great company, they do have a paper catalog that is very extensive. Also, Jamestown Distributors www.jamestowndistributors.com. There are several good books/manuals on lighting out there, some specifically for LED systems. Good luck, Andy