Saturday, March 20, 2010



I was just looking over your pictures on your web site. You are really coming along and doing a very first class job. When do you plan to launch? This is the first time I've taken the time to check out what some others are doing. Keep up the good work and keep me posted of your efforts.



  1. Hey Don, I just came in for a break from glassing my last major part - the Starboard sliding door. I needed a break from the electrical, which is kind of overwhelming right now. I ordered a Honda 60 outboard for the boat and picked up the instruments, shifter, and all the cables. The instructions are really slim, and confusing! There are lots of cables, and a couple dozen fittings. I may need to bite the bullet and hire a Honda mechanic to come out and help.

    I'm at the point where all I can see are the flaws and crappy workmanship. I need to get it into the water, and all those things will be forgotten.

    I'm hoping to launch in mid-May, about 7 weeks from now. I better - my wife is getting seriously pissed that I never do anything but "work on the damn boat".

  2. Tom, Talking about the wife, BEEN THRE, DINE THAT. I am finishing the last of the interior walls now. Last week I made a jig to hold the Bimini frame so that the canvas people could make the finished cover. It came out real nice. I will post some pictures in the next day or so.
