Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Picture showing progress...

Just added a new picture to my photo album showing the interior 1/2 primed and about ready for paint.  On the interior I am going to use a good grade of exterior gloss house paint to save money.  I have been told by many people that they have used general house paints in their boats with no undue problems like peeling etc.
I will still be using marine paint on the exterior hull.  I have a friend who runs a lumber yard and will see if I can get a good price on some clear pine for the decking and seats.  Otherwise I may have to settle for "better" grade pine from the local yards.  this shoestring budget thing is for the birds...


  1. I told you that shoestring budgets suck...  I am stalled out again with no spare change for paint.  My Jeep needs repair, riding mower needs repair (which I use to make extra money)...  So the boat sits for another couple of weeks 'til the cash flow evens out again.

  2. Okay - cash flow is evening out a bit now but now my landlord is going back to Illinois for the winter and needs to put his lawn tractor and paddle boat in "my" garage.  This is part of the rental deal of our house.  So now I need to rearrange the garage to fit his equipment in and still have room to do my thing.  Granted, I have three table saws, but a guy needs tools, ya know.  Actually, one is set up with a sanding disk, and another is up on a shelf right now because I want to outfit it with a dado set so I am not always changing out blades.  I do need room to walk around both sides of the boat and have enough space to use my No 1 tool, my bandsaw which is going on wheels so I can move it easier...

  3. Andy,   So Wisconsin truely is Illinois State Park. LOL   Hey, nice work on that project by the way. I have been meaning to tell you that for some time now. Did you get the other half primed yet?   I appreciate your keeping the forum active. Kepp up the good works.   -Kruez-
