Thursday, August 25, 2005

Fiberglass cracking

I have built 2 boats and in never fails, the fiberglass cracks after 3 or 4 months in some places.  What am I doing wrong.  Is it because I dont put enough fiberglass resin over the cloth?  I usually put at least 2 coats on.  Should it be more or is there something wrong with my prep work. 
Any advice would be greatly appreciated because I plan to build a bigger boat and don't want to be repairing it in 4 months.


  1. Assuming your using epoxy resin... The cloth/epoxy is designed to flex... I am guessing you are using too much resin. But this is a question better suited for Joel aka StitchGlueConstruction. Joel... What say you...

  2. Are you using epoxy plywood construction? Are the cracks on joints or where the glass is wrapped around plywood endgrain? What type and weight of glass are you using and number of layers? What make and model of epoxy are you using?                          ---Joel---
