Monday, August 6, 2012

Need to move this site Again.

To all of you that are still listening,

We need to move this group again.

As most of you know, this site began on MSN Groups back in the day. We have collectively created a wealth of useful information over the 15+ years this Wooden Boat Builder Group has existed. Again, we find ourselves at a crossroads as Multiply has decided to concentrate its efforts on the Market Place that has exploded for them in the asian communities. They will be closing the Multiply social and group communities all together.

We need to entertain the idea of migrating/parking this boat building information at a new search-able venue. I just cant imagine letting it go abandon and deleted.







  1. Hi Kruez,
    where would you move it too, and how long before it happens.
    J-Star Boat Services

  2. Hi i am not on it but what about dare i say it facebook ,I would join for this group ,

  3. It will be a time before this happens. Multiply claims the need to develop some migration, and backup tools.

    Facebook is great on people communicating with people but very short on a place to put this archived information and searchable. A Facebook group is a good compliment. However, there are other facebook style social networks out there that are increasing in popularity. So the relatively new share out to anywhere buttons need to be available as well.

    From a long term perspective i am investigating Google. They have some free site space available and I don't see google going away. They are search engine based so that part should work nicely.

    Still thinking of migrating it into a full web site, but that will take the most amount of time and more difficult to include the free social network scene.

    I have allways tried to make it perpetual, so it some what runs itself with anyone free to add content and comment. Multiply had this feature as anyone can post anything and anyone can comment on everything.

    ~ Kruez

  4. Kruez,
    Thank for heads up... Please do find a good place.. Meanwhile, I may omit myself as I lost my interest due economical reasons.. I even couldn't afford to build a cheapest ugliest boat..
