The end of summer work is upon us. Its getting to cold at night to do any epoxy work during the day. I have moved onto some fun things, installing fittings in the tanks,putting in the overboard pump out system to use where legal (we have both black water and gray water), installing bilge pumps and float switches in all 10 water tight compartments, and the SNAKE RIVER fluid level gages in all 8 tanks. A lot of time has gone into laying out the hatches in the sole for access to plumbing and wiring. The batter box is in and the main cables have been made. With the hull and deck closed in and heavy plastic over the bulk of the boat its not to bad to keep some heat in. Next week we will start insulating the engine room with thermal and noise insulation. Right after we get the engines winterized that is. The latest photo's uploaded to day are #216 thru 219 which brings the photo album up to date.
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