Thursday, June 16, 2005

How do I rig ??

Hi guys, could you show me a drawing of how to rig my aft main sheet to my [one man] dinghy,It had only one fairlead at the starboard side when I got her I fitted one to the other side but the tiller protruds above the transom,So any sheet going across the transom would try to trap the tiller.
I am learning to sail on a wayfarer,which has a bar over the tiller level with the top of the transom so the main sheet pivots from directly above the tiller.
Any pictures,photos web pages would be appreciated,
Thanks bogdolics 


  1. Use the same idea. If a bar won't work, use a piece of line rigged from stern corner to stern corner with enough slack in it to miss the tiller.   Frank

  2. Hi Frank ,thanks ,I have a fairlead at both ends of the stern so I am going to run a line both under and over the tiller, but slack enough that it will not interfere with it.So when I attach the main sheet it should pull the line up in a trangle. thanks again. bogdolics. 
