Its funny how we peck around at completing our projects... Do any of you wander out to the garage/"boat shop" to check on your baby before you go to your "real" jobs, or only manage to get out there late at night when you are really supposed to be inside with your significant other - not enough hours in the day!
Tonight I finished shaping and dry fitting the deck beams and installing the breasthook. I always take great pleasure when I actually do something right the first time , you know, no corrections or throwing something on the burn pile. The breast hook plate is made from a hefty chunk of seasoned true 2 x 10 white oak - I just added 3# to the bow of the sailboat!!!
Anyhow, I am waiting for a warm day to prime and paint the interior so I can fit the coaming and seats - another trip to the wood pile to see what I have on hand. Any one have any experience using redwood for seats and such. The original directions from E Monk call for cedar (I actually might have some cedar out there too). As a side note, a lot of my 3/4" stock comes from my old greenhouse benches. Lightly planed, It looks almost as good as new. When I get some film I'll snap some pics of the current work...

Where are all of you at?