Tuesday, August 31, 2004


What a neat boat. You sure do nice work. I sure do like
to see finished projects. I wish I was finished, oh me, oh my.

Monday, August 30, 2004


Apologies for the repeated messages from curragower. Not sure why he has let this happen but his membership has been cancelled until he can get his Inbox "Under Control"
Curragower, you are welcome to join up again just shut off your Auto Reply. Your messages were bouncing back and your mail client was talking to itself. Very anoying to the rest of us.
Kind of funny when you think about it... Just gotta love this technology...


I am very pleased with all of the replies to my questions! I would have replied sooner but have had some computer problems. I have also not started my project, but hope to next spring/summer

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Anyone know where I could find a transducer (for furasta) with a stem length of 9" or better? I've exhausted my resourses and need 1 before we can drop it in the water, lest I'll have a chore on my hands to install it later.   Thanks for any and all assistance.   Jim 

Sunday, August 22, 2004

viking longship

Hello all,
  I am looking for a study plan or a simple drawing of a viking longship, a friend of mine is a school teacher and is wanting it to use it in her lesson plan. I  thought I had one but can't seem to find it.
   Also a update on my project , the 12 foot row/sail dingy. I have almost got her hull stripped in should be sanding and fairing by Tuesday or so. I am going to make my own hollow mast, as well as my boom and gaff. Would any of you know if southern yellow pine will work or do I need to try and find something else?  I haven't named her yet, but she ain't told me her name yet either.
I'll try and post some pics as soon as I can.

Friday, August 13, 2004


Greetings to "KENNEDY & TIMBERPEG".
Glad to have you folks join our group. We are growing
every day and its people like you that make it what it is.
Please fill us in on your projects and feel free to post
some pictures for all to see.
What kind of advice can we offer to help you out?

Friday, August 6, 2004


  When (if) I ever get the rebuild done on my boat I am going to build a tender,I'm thinking something 10 to 14 foot long and flat bottomed so its easy to pull aboard and store . Does anyone have any suggestions?