Just a brief update of the activities the past month or so.
1. Layed most of the subflooring in a temporary condition untill I figure where to
cut all the required hatches.
2. Installed the subflooring for the pilot house in preperation for future framing.
3. Finished the starboard side bow ribs and moved the jig to align these ribs
to the port side to install the ribs there.
4. Ran the engines and gen-set for the first time this year. I like to run them
3-4 times each year for 15-20 minutes to keep the insides coated with oil.
5. Installed the deck shelf down both sides in the area's where they are
straight. Will start the laminations around the curves by month end.
5. Installed the inner deck beam supports down both sides of the pilot house.
6. Completed building the 52 laminated deck beams and have trimmed the first
6 in preperation for the deck framing that I plan to complete before fall.
7. Purchased the tub and shower enclosuer and placed in side before all the
ribs are in place. Much easier now.
8. Built temporary steps to the pilot house. I built these per the design as a test
and found out they dont work worth a darn. Back to the drawing board.
9. Did a mock layout of the interior to get a better feel of things. Used black
electrical tape on the subflooring. Found the need for some changes. Back
to the drawing board again.
10. Total boat weight at this time is 21,270#. Sure hope I'm on target.
11. You can see most of these projects in the new pictures posted today,
they are photos 175 thru 180.
Best of luck to you all on your own projects. Any volunteers please step forward.